SYB Signature Safer Phone Collection
14 products
The SYB Signature Safer Phone Collection is designed to make it safer for you and your loved ones to carry and use your...
For Cell Phones
30 products
EMF & 5G protection to make it safer to carry, use & enjoy your cell phones and smartphones.
Most Popular
31 products
The Most Popular EMF & 5G Protection Products from the Shield Your Body store over the last month.
Anti-Radiation Apparel
51 products
Experience superior protection with Shield Your Body's innovative Faraday clothing collection. Our EMF protection clothing line is crafted with silver-infused fabric that effectively...
Low EMF Bedrooms
25 products
Get better sleep, better rest and a better life with Shield Your Body's range of EMF-reducing accessories for your bedroom.
EMF-Free Alarm Clocks & Watches
3 products
Ditch your phone, slash your bedroom radiation and improve your sleep with these EMF-free alarm clocks; & skip the EMF from smart watches...
WiFi EMF Protection
8 products
Reduce your exposure to harmful EMF radiation with our products that protect you from WiFi signals.
Bags & Pouches
13 products
Carry your phones – and your tablets, kindles, switches and all of your devices – more safely with SYB's line of EMF protection...
EMF Meters
13 products
These state-of-the-art devices are designed for anyone looking to measure and understand the electromagnetic fields in their surroundings accurately.